Notification of declaration of results: Twenty-first Council
Notification of declaration of results: Regional Councils
Glimpses of Counting of Northern India Regional Constituency - Regional Council
Glimpses of Counting of Northern India Regional Constituency - Council
Glimpses of Counting of Eastern India Regional Constituency - Regional Council
Glimpses of Counting of Eastern India Regional Constituency - Council
Glimpses of Counting of Southern India Regional Constituency - Regional Council
Glimpses of Counting of Southern India Regional Constituency - Council
Glimpses of Counting of Western India Regional Constituency - Regional Council
Glimpses of Counting of Western India Regional Constituency - Council
Changes of mode of voting as per the applications made by the Voters - Western India Regional Constituency
Changes of mode of voting as per the applications made by the Voters - Eastern India Regional Constituency.
Appointment of Authorized Representatives to be present at the time of counting of votes.
Appointment of dates, place and time for the counting of votes.
Notification regarding violation of Election Code of Conduct for communication to the voter on polling dates.
Corrigendum 11 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Changes of mode of voting as per the applications made by the Voters - Northern India Regional Constituency
Changes of mode of voting as per the applications made by the Voters - Southern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 10 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 6 - List of Voters of Northern India Regional Constituency
Notification regarding CCTV surveillance of polling booths & Biometric Facial Recognition of voters during Election to the Council 2023.
Corrigendum 4 - List of Voters of Eastern India Regional Constituency
Final list of Authorized Representatives for Election to the Council, 2023 (EIRC Council)
Final list of Authorized Representatives for Election to the Council, 2023 (EIRC Regional Council)
Final list of Authorized Representatives for Election to the Council, 2023 (NIRC Council)
Final list of Authorized Representatives for Election to the Council, 2023 (NIRC Regional Council)
Final list of Authorized Representatives for Election to the Council, 2023 (WIRC Council)
Final list of Authorized Representatives for Election to the Council, 2023 (WIRC Regional Council)
Final list of Authorized Representatives for Election to the Council, 2023 (SIRC Council)
Final list of Authorized Representatives for Election to the Council, 2023 (SIRC Regional Council)
Corrigendum 3 - List of Voters of Eastern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 5 - List of Voters of Southern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 5 - List of Voters of Northern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 9 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 4 - List of Voters of Northern India Regional Constituency
Notification regarding violation of Election Code of Conduct.
Corrigendum 8 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Non-receipt of ballot papers or receipt of ballot papers in damaged condition.
Corrigendum 3 - List of Voters of Northern India Regional Constituency
Changes of mode of voting as per the applications made by the Voters - Eastern India Regional Constituency
Memorandum of Instruction
Postal Ballot Despatch Notification
Corrigendum 4 - List of Voters of Southern India Regional Constituency
Clarification on Election Code of Conduct
Guidelines for the contesting candidates regarding Election Code of Conduct
Presence of candidates and their authorised representatives at the polling booths
Final list of nominations for Northern India Regional Constituency
Final list of nominations for Northern India Regional Council
Final list of nominations for Eastern India Regional Constituency
Final list of nominations for Eastern India Regional Council
Final list of nominations for Southern India Regional Constituency
Final list of nominations for Southern India Regional Council
Final list of nominations for Western India Regional Constituency
Final list of nominations for Western India Regional Council
Withdrawal of Nomination for Elections to the Council and Regional Councils, 2023
Corrigendum 3 - List of Voters of Southern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 2 - List of Voters of Eastern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 2 - List of Voters of Southern India Regional Constituency
List of Valid Nominations for Election to the Council – 2023
List of Valid Nominations for Elections to the Regional Councils – 2023
Corrigendum 7 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 6 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 2 - List of Voters of Northern India Regional Constituency
Nominations received till the last date and time of receipt of nominations i.e. 6:00 P.M. of 21st April, 2023
Corrigendum 5 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 1 - List of Voters of Eastern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 1 - List of Voters of Northern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 4 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 1 - List of Voters of Southern India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 3 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 2 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Corrigendum 1 - List of Voters of Western India Regional Constituency
Guidelines for sending application for permission to vote by post under Rule 28 of the Cost and Works Accountants (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006, as amended, or from one booth to another booth or from post to a particular booth in the forthcoming Elections to the Council and Regional Councils, 2023
Scrutiny of Nomination Papers
Guidelines for filling up Nomination form for candidature of Election to the Council and Regional Councils, 2023
Guidelines for the Institute, Regional Councils and Chapters, Candidates, Members of the Institute relating to social media
Guidelines on Election Code of Conduct - 1
Zero Tolerance Zone
Form of Nomination of a candidate for Election to Regional Council of The Institute of Cost Accountants Of India
Form of Nomination of a candidate for Election to the Council of The Institute of Cost Accountants Of India
Elections to the Council and the Regional Councils, 2023, 2023. List of Voters (WIRC)
Elections to the Council and Regional Councils, 2023. List of Voters (SIRC)
Elections to the Council and Regional Councils, 2023. List of Voters (NIRC)
Elections to the Council and Regional Councils, 2023. List of Voters (EIRC)
Duties of Election Observers in pursuance of sub-rule (1) of Rule 23 of The Cost and Works Accountants (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006 read with Regulation 118 of the Cost and Works Accountants Regulations, 1959
Election Expenses for Regional Council Elections
Election Expenses for Council Election
Application for Permission to Vote at a Polling Booth or Change of Polling Booth
Application for Permission to Vote by Post
Election Code of Conduct for Observance by the Candidates and their Authorized Representatives during the Elections
Check Your Voting Status.
Election Notification.
Notice in pursuance of Clause (3) of Schedule 2 of the Cost and Works Accountants (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006