Empanelment of Organisations for Practical Training

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) is a Statutory Body set up under an Act of Parliament known as Cost & Works Accountants Act, 1959. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India is the Administrative Ministry of the Institute. The Institute is governed by a Council and has four Regional Councils at Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai and 108 Chapters in important cities of India and 10 centres overseas. The Institute has around 85000 members and around 5,00,000 students on rolls.

The Institute has introduced a Compulsory Practical Training for a period of 3 years on whole time basis to its Students. The Practical Training for 3 years can be taken by a student either under Practicing Cost Accountant or in an Industry. As per Training Scheme minimum Stipend payable by an Organization for the 1st year is Rs. 8,000-10,000/- (Rs. Eight thousand to Ten thousand only). The areas of training are: Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing, Regulatory compliances, Direct & Indirect taxation, Corporate Laws, Industrial Laws and Commercial Laws etc.

We have already empanelled many companies for imparting the training to our Students. In terms of Training Scheme of the Institute a Student/ Organisation is required fill in Form T 4 for intimation for engagement as cost trainee. Copies of Training Scheme and Form T4 for Intimation of student as cost, along with other forms are available at Institute's website www.icmai.in

We are interested in empaneling your Company for imparting the Training to our Students. For empanelment, you may fill a form for empanelment at our website, for imparting training to our students. Please send the duly filled in Form along with latest Audited Annual Report of your Company to the undersigned at Kolkata HQ or via mail to (training@icmai.in)

We would like to inform you that name of your Company will be placed at Institute's website under the empanelled organizations that are entitled to impart training to our students. We shall be glad to provide you all types of assistance and guidance in placing suitable candidates in your Company for imparting training.

Contact No: 033-40364750/724, Extn: 208/ 204

E-mail- training@icmai.in


Please click here to download Form for empanelment of organisation