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                                                    Table No 5

                                          Per Unit                             Total

                               Traditional Cost   ABC Costing    Traditional          ABC Costing
                                  Method        Method          Cost Method             Method
                                 A     B       A       B       A     B             A        B

          Profit  from purely   2.00*  1.67*  -7.63**  8.09**             9000   -15260.8  24260.8  9000
          financial items                                     4000  5000

          *Apportionment made based on cost of labor (4*9000/9)/2000 =2.00 and (5*9000/9)/3000 =1.66
           ** Apportionment made based on the normal profit (-) 6.5*9000/ (-6.5+10.33)/2000 = - 7.63 and  10.33*9000/
          (-6.5+10.33)/3000 = 8.09

          Step 4:  Determination of overall profit
           The overall profit i.e. the summation of the profit determined in Step 2 and Step e are to be evaluated and given
          for the present example.
                                                    Table No 6

                                      Per Unit                               Total

                           Traditional Cost   ABC Costing      Traditional            ABC Costing
                              Method         Method           Cost Method               Method

                             A      B      A       B       A       B     Total    A        B     Total

          Profit/ (Loss) Earned  -3  15   -6.5    10.33  -17555.5  35555.6  18000  -13000  31000  18000

          Profit  from purely
          financial items    2     1.6    -7.63   8.09    4000    5000   9000   -15260.8  24260.8  9000

          Total profit /(Loss)  -1  16.6  -14.13  18.42  -13555.5  40555.6  27000  -28260.8  55260.8  27000

          Step 5: The identification of loss making products or  component of the product will be relooked into to identify
          services and exploration of cost reduction techniques  the potential areas of cost reduction. It is necessary to
           In the above example it is found that product A is  discuss with the workers on the shop floor, as they have
          incurring loss even after inclusion of the profit already  valuable insight to tell the scope of cost reduction. The
          earned. In the above model Product A is incurring a loss  previous cost savings ideas if any available necessarily to
          of Rs 13,555.6 (Under Traditional costing method) and  be considered again for the present its implementation
          Rs -28260.8 (Under ABC method).  The corresponding  in the present environment. The energy consumption
          unit cost lost for the product A is Rs 1 (Under Traditional  techniques are to be considered for the confirmation
          costing method) and Rs 14.1 (Under ABC method). By  that  the  available  energy  was  properly  used.  The
          selling the product A, our hard earned resources are  necessities of automation are to be considered wherein
          diminished to that extent mentioned above.     the repetitive manual process occurred. The negotiation
           Therefore it is necessary to re-evaluate the Product  with the suppliers and carriers and by re arranging the
          A and confirm that the cost incurred by the product ‘A’  schedule etc may lead to reduction of the cost. The
          are really attributable to it and explore the possibility of  value engineering and benchmarking and other cost
          reduction there for. The complete assessment of each   reduction techniques may be considered for reducing

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