Cost Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

Release of General FAQs on SCAs 101 - 104

Dear Professional Colleagues,

You are aware that the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in terms of provision to Section 148(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 approved the Standards on Cost Auditing (SCAs 101 – 104) for mandatory compliance by the cost auditor in the audit of the cost records maintained by the companies covered under the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules.

The Cost Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (CAASB), the standard-setting body of the Institute, in its 38th meeting has finalised the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Standards on Cost Auditing (SCAs 101–104) This is the first instalment of the FAQs to be released by the CAASB which contains the general questions and answers. We will be very shortly releasing the standard wise FAQs. We hope that the members will find the General FAQs fulfilling and knowledge enhancing.


If you have any query or require any clarification or information on these FAQs, please share with us on


To download the General FAQs, please click here

With best regards,

CMA (Dr) Ashish P Thatte
Chairman, CAASB
29th July 2020